Thursday, April 3, 2008

TV Politics and Strange Bedfellows

I know that Joe Scarborough is a Republican who made his career as a congressman by Clinton bashing. His "love affair" with Hillary on his MSNBC Morning Joe show may be a disingenuous Republican plot to further her campaign in some Rush Limbaugh-like notion that it subverts the process for Democrats. Well, guess what -- I still watch him to hear the words of praise for her among much of the show that makes me cringe.

Likewise Lou Dobbs on CNN. I will tune in from time to time just because he is the only TV journalist who expresses the outrage I feel over the Michigan and Florida votes -- even though I have to hit the mute button on his anti-illegal immigration rants.

I used to think the "liberal media" was a myth. Now I see it in action as it has embraced Barack Obama. Sad. Similar candidates if you look at their positions -- different packages, and his is the bigger, brighter sell in the media. In the party itself we're split, almost exactly in half. Has the primary season lasted this long because Hillary won't let go, or because he can't close the deal. He hasn't closed it in spite of how he's hyped and touted, in spite of how he's out spent her.

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