Sunday, April 6, 2008

Drumbeats of Doom

The news, dominated by calls for Hillary to quit, is driving me to a "Network" moment. I'm just about ready to lean out the window and scream, "I"M MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE! NO SHE SHOULD NOT QUIT!"

Okay, now I feel a little better.

There are some stories of hope that push their way like green shoots through a ton of manure -- mostly from smaller papers in Indiana, Oregon, North Dakota and those states who are eagerly awaiting their chance to vote in upcoming elections. Has anyone else noticed how happy and excited people are whose states will finally have a meaningful voice in a presidential primary?


Anonymous said...

Hi! Glad you have your cats blogging. You can't mess with cats! I work in cat rescue. I have three cats and a Collie who watches over them. I love your cats!

Thank you for the compliment on my blog. Blogging is a good thing and I am proud to see another sister doing it!

I will visit you and your cats again, and thanks for stopping by and keep the faith. Every once in awhile, truth prevails, you know!

tarajane said...

Your blog is great, uppity woman! Thanks for the encouragement.